One mans quest to sample 4000 beers by the time he is 40!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Commando Style

So there I was sitting in my gas mask for 3 and half hours thinking, would someone please make a tool to pick my nose through a rubber mask. No really it itched so bad and bothered me to the point if it was a real chemical attack I would have pulled my mask off and died. On other note I was sweating dawg balls, which I don't know exactly what that means but sounds real bad. To be honest I would have been even hotter if I wore underwear, but I do as we military men say go AZ for 4 yrs I just couldn't take the heat, so I tried it and from there the rest is history. If I try to wear boxers like I used to I end up playing with my junk like a baseball player getting ready to play. Don't worry I wash my hands like everyone else so there no ball smell later.

This having to go to bed by 9pm to wake up at 4 shit has to stop. I mean what do they think I am a machine that works without food or proper rest. I mean everytime I tried to get something to eat today I had to dawn my gas mask. I understand we have to be prepared for anything, but unlike when we go through inspection, the real thing is utter find away to get the job done. Like all good commanders say "in the end we put bombs on targets". As any good loader would say "we load bombs so that, heaven and hell can stay in business" or "kill them all and let god sort them out". I can truthfully say that if you think about what I do it would make you sick, but then again we fight for democracy and the prosperity of it. I am not going to rant today because I am tired but soon I will go on about it in a sure to be 5hr post :).

Whatelse can I dabble in today that is on my mind. Nothing really I guess I am mentally sapped out. Yeah there is some thoughts in my pee nugget of a brain, so don't act surprised, other than I am a lose for words which never happens.

So I am off like a prom dress in the back of her daddy's new car!


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