The Key to a Good Post
Well after working a 12hr shift eating meals out of a bag, watching a door, and practically wanting to be shot and put out of my misery. I got off at 558 pm just in time to haul ass with my 45lb sack to the bus stop. I mean the shift before me couldn't have shown up any later and me still make the bus. However I didn't grab my jacket and keys my friend did so I didn't have to re-enter the building. This was a big mistake because I didn't have my keys when I got half way home, I realized they were still in my locker. I got to spend a good hr and half locked out of my room until a night shifter could run them by. All I wanted was sleep after that.
The keys to a good post for me is to be funny, still be informative in some right, and make your readers want to comeback to read more. Will this one do it.....Probably not because after sleeping 8hrs I still feel like shit. Well I probably look like for that matter. Now I have to go back to work. I swear the three worse words in my vocabulary is not f*ck, shit, cunt its EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE.
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