One mans quest to sample 4000 beers by the time he is 40!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Recoup Saturday

Well after my long night of drinking I spent Saturday recouping. I either am getting to old to be the young stud drinker I once was or this alcohol and beer here has a bad effect on my body. I think it is the later because I have been in the drinking ring doing the tequila twostep with a good ole boy from Texas. If that didn't ruin me than why should this stuff. Anyway it wasn't as bad as the first time so hopefully it will only get better.

I decided to only leave my room twice, the first to get food at the choke and puke, I mean dining facility. The second was at around 930 because I was so thirsty I had to walk to the shoppette to get some soda and fruit juice to drink. Let me tell you I froze my ears off. I should have wore a hooded jacket or beanie.

When I got back and chugged a few pops (my northern language coming out) and the tropicana fruit drink, I decided I was bored. This meant only one thing I scrolled through my favorite blogs looking for anything good. Well for me it sucked because I have been so bored lately that I had read just about evryhing on them. Then I decided to work on mine a bit. Until I got aggravated not being able to do what I wanted and quit that. I did see a ad for the 2005 Bloggies annual awards. I took two hours surfing through and voting on my favorites. To tell you the truth I was very disappointed in what ones had been selected in most categories. I couldn't understand why people would read some of them. They were boring, some where ad filled, and others were just blah all around. Next year I want to know how to nominate blogs for it and get some that I would really be proud to vote on. I mean it was as bad as college sports polls like all the writers kissed each others ass over a nomination. Maybe I will start my own awards, now that would be fun.


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