One mans quest to sample 4000 beers by the time he is 40!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Week 1 No Problem

Well it is Sun Jan 23, and yes I am still posting on my blog. Some people have celebrations after there 100th post or there first year, well I am celebrating a week. I am notorious for not updating, not returning emails, and just plan not giving a shit. It's not that I don't want to, because I do. I always find reasons mainly being to lazy to keep with things I start. Well not now I am new and improved, locked cocked and ready to rock, or any other cliche that sounds good.

Today was great, I woke up to jingle of my yahoo messenger at about 7am, an ole friend from Germany couldn't sleep so she decided to wake me up. I mean my away message could have been mistaken for me being up and available, it did say "Snuggled up in my warm bed, searching for good dreams". Hey what can I say she is a blonde who died her hair brown, but I still know she blonde. Before you blondes try and kick my ass remember this I have dirty blonde hair so in the summer my roots show my true blonde identity. So this gives me the right to bash on my kind. We chatted for awhile since she just recently got her net hooked back up after moving. Plus I think she still has feelings deep down inside about me even though the last time we were an item she threw me out like the tomato you didn't want on your burger anyways. I was her rebound from a marriage thing I guess and she was confused. So confused that she dumped me after driving 2hrs home from my house via the internet at hers after spending the weekend like usual. Is that not cold or what? Now that you know way to much about me not being an asshole and still talking to her you can realize I am trying to be better than most men.

Well lazy me put off getting groceries until around 12 o'clock. Big mistake because just as I was about to get in the store, the loud siren for recall to work went off. Meaning I had to run back to my dorm and get dressed in DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) bordering North and South Korea. Because of this we are forced to do exercises to prepare for war because there was no peace treaty between the two country's just a armistice. Wow I am going to have my spell check working overtime after this post. Needless to say I am working 12hr shifts all week sucking rubber (wearing gas mask and stuff, not sucking on MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) instead of the food I should have bought yesterday before this exercise kicked off. Now instead of searching the web for blogs to read and steal design ideas off, I will be sleeping.

This week should provide interesting on the Blog front and if I can make it I will be ready for anything.


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